Posted by Greg on
April 30, 2008

I recently returned from ten days of teaching and playing at the Anglesey Sea Kayak Symposium in Wales. This is one of my favorite paddling destinations and I would heartily encourage all paddlers to visit. This area has it all, fantastic tidal races, steep cliffs and interesting scenery, beautiful beach access, castles and a network of hiking/biking trails along the coast (not to mention a fine selection of local “bitters” and smooth Guinness)…
The beauty of the races is that (assuming the ever-present wind is not blowing everything out), you can time your entry according to the tide, to pick the size of the waves you wish to challenge. This makes the races a great teaching opportunity. You can schedule your time to either play/teach in light to moderate conditions or choose “This is the Sea” mayhem that will rudely test your skills. If only the surf of Central Florida was so predictable…
Of course the main attraction is the symposium itself and rubbing elbows with some fantastic paddlers and personalties. I arrived early and picked up a wing to help Freya Hoffmeister train for the Molokai Challenge in Hawaii. After winning a local race with a Greenland paddle I have been enjoying occasional racing with a wing and there are many interesting parallels to a Greenland paddle. In addition to teaching Greenland-style rolling, I enjoyed teaching rolling and rescues with Gordon Brown and Mark Tozer. Although I have known Gordon for a number of years, it was my first time teaching with him, and it was great to finally meet Mark. The nights are filled with presentations of history and expeditions, and afterward, a visit to the pub on the symposium grounds.
As usual it was great to meet the “regular” crowd in the pub. The “core group” of paddlers are an amazingly talented and entertaining bunch. Harry Whelan had me in stitches with his antics once again…
Symposiums are a bittersweet experience. Once over, you may not see many of your best friends for a year or more. As kayakers we make up a very large (and definitely dysfunctiona!) family. But that’s also the very thing that makes these events so special.
Posted by Greg on
April 9, 2008

Photo Copyright Greg Stamer (Olympus SW 720. Click on image to view enlargement)
Yes, it’s hard to believe that Columbus and crew mistook the Manatee for a mermaid, but, well, it was a very long voyage…. 😕 Manatees are beautiful creatures in their own right, of course. One of the joys of living in Florida is discovering that beyond the theme parks and condos is a very rich world of wildlife. Eagles, alligators, manatees and countless dolphins are among my normal paddling companions. Although I greatly enjoyed my time in Europe last year, I saw more marine wildlife in several days in Mosquito lagoon (a large estuary East of Orlando), than in all my months overseas.
After the Sweetwater Symposium in February, I kayaked the outflow of Weeki Watchee springs with Russell Farrow, Nigel and Kristin Foster and some other good friends. The warm water is home to a number of manatees in the winter months. Donning a mask and capsizing in my kayak, the young, “sad-eyed” manatee shown in the image above eagerly approached me to investigate (yet another great reason to learn to roll — to explore the depths below with a dive mask). Perhaps, capsized in my kayak, I looked like kin. Its mother visited too, but wasn’t as interested in this strange half-man/half kayak. Up close a manatee looks much like an elephant (one of their closest relatives) with their stiff hair and thick skin. Manatees are vegetarians. They are friendly and inquisitive and can move quite fast when they want to.
It is amazing how the interaction and connection with such a creature fills you with an intense and overwhelming sense of humility, peace and wonderment. Like being a kid again.
I only wish that we were worthy of the trust shown by this young manatee. Humans are the main reason that the manatee is endangered. Many are killed each year from boat collisions. Most of the adults have deep scars cut into their back, the result of being slashed with the blades of boat propellers. Some die from infection caused by the cuts and others suffer a broken back from the collision with the lower unit of boat engines. Still others are crushed in locks. For information on helping protect these amazing creatures please visit the Save the Manatee Club