sh. sh. sh. SHARK!!
Posted by derrick on July 3, 2008
N47 35.98 W58 47.72 near Grandy Sound. 48k. Calm. Roasted in drysuit despite frequent “roto cooling”. Dense fog turned sunny by evening. Another large shark this one passing me going opposite way & showing no interest. Judging from black dorsal & tail fin he was about 12′ long. Past remote part of South coast & hope to round bend tomorrow. Camp near abandoned cabins overlooking sea.

*shark pic from Wiki
Posted under Expeditions, Newfoundland2008
Wow, you never hear about sharks in the colder climes, it’s really interesting to hear you’ve seen a couple already!
“We’re gonna need a bigger boat!”–Roy Schieder-Jaws
holly crappp!!!!
sharks scared the day lights out of me.
i hope you are calmer about them passing by to say hi.
keep going, its fun folowing your stories.